30th Austrian Open in Innsbruck – 11th / 12th June 2021

invitation here

WKF AUSTRIA vice president Gerhard CORRADINI announce next great international event in Innsbruck, Austria.

Promoter Gerhard CORRADINI and his team organize one more time in Innsbruck Austrian Open tournament. Open for all countries, federations and teams.

Invitation is here, you can compete in Forms, point fighting, light contact , kick light and K-1 rules.

contact: kickboxclub-innsbruck@gmx.at

WKF AUSTRIA Vice president Gerhard CORRADINI


Review of the last Year:

Many teams from neighboring countries have last Year registered too, but have not come.

These are exactly the same teams and clubs that complain about tournaments and organize no events themselves in their countries.

At the same time, they claim to have “the best fighters”.

Please in the future only sign up, if you really want to participate!


Welcome to Austria

Welcome to Innsbruck  😀